Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour Reborn V7 For Pc
Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour Reborn V7 For Pc ->->->->
The only unit I dislike in ZH is the Patriot, unless it's an RPG/SH mod. I just can't stand the shooting. That's also the reason why I don't like ZH Reborn. I dislike the shooting they add to ZH Reborn.
I found the concept of Zero Hour very appealing. It took me back to my childhood with games like Call of Duty and Warcraft 3. I was a little disappointed that it didn't have a greater effect on me, and that it wasn't a little better than what had been out before it. But, like I said, I think it's just my own personal taste that wasn't satisfied. I still played it, because I could have played World at War 2, but I just didn't have the same enthusiasm for it as I did for Zero Hour.
I have to admit, I've never been a fan of the concept of Zero Hour. I never saw the point of playing an actual historical game rather than a game set in the future, or of there not being a time-skip mechanic. I think it was a mod that demonstrated this even more, and because it was something I wanted, I downloaded it and played.
ZH is also a wonderful mod. I never considered it DLC because I thought it was better than DLC in terms of tutorials and other features. Mods that come as an extension to a mod do not give away a lot of information about how they are put together. Perhaps it's because I'm at the start of my third lifetime playing the game, so I'm still full of the enthusiasm I had when I first started playing Zero Hour. But I still like it.
Of course I'm not responsible for any lost files or damage to your PC. If you're experiencing any issues that are not addressed by my patchset, please uninstall and download the 0.0.9 version. I think it's better to have 0.0.9 as the current stable release, than it is to have a later patch set than EOF has.
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